ZOO trip w/ SEAB friends! :D
12:01 AMHere are some pictures I took with my working peeps on the last day of work! :D

Jiasi and me :D
Anyways, I worked at Singapore Examination and Assessment Board (SEAB) for 7 days with them! Ahaha, it was pretty fun laminating PSLE certs! Oh, also watched Enchanted on the last day of work with them ! :D

Nice movie :D
On Sunday, all of us went to zoo! Met really early at 7am!
We had out breakfast at KFC and guess what?! It rained HEAVILY. SUPER HEAVY RAIN!
Then we went to buy Ponchos! :D

Me, Guoxiong, Louis and Singwei !

All of us ! Before Jolene came ! :D we were all eating lollipops :D
(From left to right)
Guoxiong, Louis, Wenjun, Me, Singwei, Jiasi and JQ ! :D

Poke the nipple :x

AHAH. so happy :D =.=

Is this cheetah or leopard ? :x

While waiting for tram. Everyone is inside ! :D
AND, we went to this children corner and started playing!
No one is allow if you're taller than 120cm ! :x AHAHA.

Going home ! :D

Last photo! :D weeee.
Okay, currently finding jobs again ! :X
Misses SEAB peeps :D