CNY update! :)
12:52 AMNOW, going to update on Chinese New Year!
CNY day 1!

Went to my Tai ma house in the morning! :D

Seriously don't know what I was doing!

My beloved Da yi!

Going to my gramps house!

You want some oranges? :D

Me and my brother!
When reached our gramps house, as usual photo taking with HEX!

Me, bro and dominic! :D

Seemed that all of us had grown old alr! HEX was formed on year 2005 i think.
Now is alr 2008 and look at our age! :D (From left to right)
Amenda(18), Randy(17), Dominic(16), Priscilla(20), Benjamin(19), Cassandra(21)
Note that our age difference from each other is just 1 year! :D
16, 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21! Random =x

Look at the 4 of us infront! we were pretending to sit down!

Nice pose :D

L.O.V.E ! :D

H.A.T.E ! Cool right =x

Preparing to jump..

Jump 1/4.. ahaha.

I think we're mad. LOL.

Without Cass.
Photos with Partners! :D

Ben & Cass

Randy & Pris

Dominic & Amenda


Typicalben & Randy :D

In my uncle's car. Nice rightttttt.

Family photo :D
CNY day 2!

With Marilyn :)

Didn't really took as much photos as day 1! ahaha! went out to eat with cousins and relatives. Well, CNY was boring this year lah!
CNY day 3!
Went out with friends to Marina square for KBOX!
Some random shots.

WOW, the money spent on KBOX! EXPENSIVE LAHHHHHH.
Hmm, actually intending to blog about Valentines day but this post like so long alr. Maybe next post then blog about it. ahaha!