
How to make Strawberry Cheesecake!

9:04 PM

Do you still remember the Wormy Spaghetti I made sometime back? Read it here if you haven't!

And now... I'm here to show you how to make Strawberry Cheesecake!

You can follow if you want to.... I can't guarantee you that you won't lao sai (have diarrhea) afterwards lol!


Here are the key ingredients you should have!


The first step is the crush the biscuits! You can put the biscuits into a plastic food bag and crush it to crumbs!

Use a rolling pin to crush the biscuits and put them into a bowl!

This is actually for the base of the cake!

Next is to melt the butter by using the microwave!

Pour the melted butter into the biscuit crumbs and mix thoroughly!

Now put the mixture into the tin and press the crumbs firmly into the base by using the back of a spoon! And the base is done! :)


Now for the filling! Mix the Cream cheese, Icing sugar and Strawberry jam all together!

It should look something like this. But remember to beat till the mixture is completely combined!

While you are beating the mixture, you can cut the strawberries into smaller pieces!

Like this!

Now add the strawberries into the filling mixture! Very pretty haha!

Mix them!

Now carefully put the filling mixture onto the biscuit base!

I'm actually going to do 2 different sizes of Strawberry cheesecake!

Me placing the mixture onto the biscuit base ;)

After it's all done, decorate the top part of the cake with the remaining strawberries! Don't waste it!

Yay! All done!

The big one looks good right? Hahaha!

Lol cute

Oh ya! You can also add some leftover biscuit crumbs on top of the cheesecake!

After the decorations, cover your cheesecake with aluminum foil or whatever food plastic wraps and place it in your freezer!

I think about 2-3 hours should be sufficient!

TA-DAH! The delicious + super yummy Strawberry Cheesecakes are done!!


I actually did this together with my friend and I think the cakes turned out pretty good lol!

Okay! Do try out if you want to and let me know how it goes! ;)



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  1. Anonymous9:11 PM

    No exact measurements for how much butter that needs to go into the biscuits? For the icing sugar, cream cheese and jam, how much do we need to put together? Really want to try making it lol

    1. For the cakes I did, there are no really exact measurements lol. As I just did it for fun!

      For the biscuit I used about 3/4 of the packet for the 2 bases. Cream cheese and jam you can see from the above photo :)

      As for icing sugar, probably about 4 tablespoon! :)

      Hope this helps!

  2. Anonymous9:19 PM

    the big one looks very orbiang, the small one cuter hehehe

  3. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Awww so easy! I want to try this out soon :D Thank you for the easy steps! ^^

  4. Anonymous9:51 PM


  5. Anonymous10:27 PM

    How to make the icing sugar? :)

  6. How to make the icing sugar? :)

    1. You can buy from supermarket! Or if not, you can just use normal sugar! ;)

  7. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Thanks for the easy recipe for non baking ppl like us :P u eat liao nv lao sai should consider ok la HAHAHA!

  8. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Is it okay to not add in the strawberry jam and fresh strawberry if i just want a pure cheesecake? :)

    1. Yup! I think it should be fine! :)

  9. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Awesome recipe! Will try it soon! :)

  10. wow! nice strawberry cheese cake!

