
Food: Christmas Pancakes!

6:04 PM

Christmas is going to be here in just 3 days and what are you going to do for your loved ones?

A few days back, I did my own Christmas Pancakes! :)

Check it out if you're interested to do your own Christmas Pancakes as well!


Just some simple ingredients that you need to get:
1. Red Food Coloring (You can get the other colors that you like)
2. Icing Sugar
3. Pancake Mixer
4. Fresh Milk

5. Pancake mould (I got mine from Daiso)



Pour Milk or water into the Pancake Mixer. I decided to use Milk instead of water because I thought it might taste better but actually there is not much difference. Lol.

Shake vigorously for 1-2 mins! Good way to exercise your flabby arms hehe ;)

Pour half of the batter into a bowl and add Red Food Coloring and mix it!

The reason of pouring half is because I want some of my pancakes to be Red and White.

Pour batter into the mould to form the Christmas tree shape!

Note: Fire should not be too big while frying!

Top: White Pancake
Bottom: Red Pancake

Remember to check and flip your pancakes when frying to prevent it from getting burnt!


I made a total of 7 pancakes (4 Red, 3 White) and stacked them up!

Here comes the Icing sugar! Sprinkle it all over your pancakes and it will look SUPER GOODDDDD! :D

You can add maple syrup if you want!


The side view of the pancakes!

Omg I really love the turn out of the Christmas pancakes!!!

Time to share them with your family and loved ones! :) :)

Do try out the pancakes and take photos and show me! :D

It's not really that hard to do though! Have fun!

Good bye and Merry Christmas! ♥


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  1. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Can I check with you where can I get the pancake mixer?

    1. You can get from any supermarket I guess. I got mine from Giant. :)

  2. Never too late to send New Year wishes. Nice post.

