
Taiwan Trip (Day 1)

10:00 PM

Read all my Taiwan Trip entries here!

Hello to a brand new year! Happy New Year 2013!

Last year has been good to me and this Taiwan Trip is definitely one of the highlight of 2012! :)

So before this trip, me and Ben were discussing on where to go between Taiwan or Korea and we ended up with Taiwan. To be honest, I really really love Taiwan!!

We went for a period of 12 days! A bit too much right? Moreover we just stayed in Taipei and didn't travel to other places lol!

Hope you enjoy the posts that I'll be posting! :D


Day 1

Reached airport at around 10pm! Our flight is at 12.55am!

Ben and me wearing my army specs!

Checked in our luggages

Had Starbucks while waiting for our flight!

Didn't took any nice photos when I was on the plane because I was having a really bad flu. Argh the worst thing was I didn't have any tissue papers or napkins with me! But I slept all the way to Taipei hahaha! Too tired!

Reached Taoyuan Airport at around 6am and we went to have their Mcdonalds breakfast! It was only S$4 for a meal! Its really cheap as compared to ours back in SG.

Their menu are also different! I ate Egg Burger with Bacon! Yum!

Anyway, here are the things to get from the airport: Easy Card & Sim Card

Bought their ez-link card which was called "Easy Card". This card is for their bus/train! The card alone cost 100TWD (4SGD+) and we topped up 300TWD each! You can get the easy card from any 7 Eleven stores! There are a lot of designs to choose from too!

We bought sim card for our iPhone 5 as well so that we can have internet access in Taiwan! We got the one which provide unlimited data usage for 10 days which cost 800TWD (33SGD+) from Taiwan Da Ge Da. Quite worth it!

We then head to the bus station located at the airport, got tickets to go to 中山北路 (Zhong-Shan Rd.) because our hotel is located somewhere near there!

Me reading the map!

Ben using his phone! Must be tweeting for you guys to read lol!

I think it took us about an hour to reach the bus stop that is nearest to our hotel and we alighted! Ben looking happy with the auntie beside him haha!

So we just cabbed over to our hotel as we were not familiar with the place yet. The journey to our hotel from the bus stop is only 2km!

Cab fares there are relatively cheaper also!

Finally reached our hotel! Just Sleep hotel!

Just Sleep hotel currently have 2 branches in Taipei and this is Just Sleep (Lin Sen)! The another branch is Just Sleep (Xi Men Ding)! :)

I swear I was quite excited when I stepped in because the hotel looks so nice! I said this because I'm someone who knows how to appreciate design ok! Hahaha!

Really love the interior design of the hotel!

The hotel theme I think it's more of a infographic design feel to it. I love all the small details! :D :D :D

typicalben just sleep taiwan hotel randyys
Ben with the Miki, manager of Just Sleep (Lin Sen)! She is really nice!

We were served by Elite (Resident Manager) as well! He is super nice too! Thank you for having us there! :)

Check out our room!!!

3 beds for me and Ben lol! The beds were super comfy!

Those infographics designs on their walls are super cute I must say!

I like their idea of having magnet of the "Do Not Disturb", etc. instead of those normal tags that are used to hang on the door knob.

The toilet! Clean & classy!

Just Sleep hotel is quite affordable and it's really popular among teenagers! You can see from the design of the hotel haha!

Anyway, we had a nap afterwards as we were super tired!


All prepared to go out! One thing I noticed is their toilet lightings very good to take photos! Hahahaha!

Tourist photos on the way!

By the way, the weather was pretty cold! I like!

typicalben and randyys randy toh
Us at a bus stop!


So we decided to go to SOGO to buy Porter bags! We took train to Zhongxiao Fuxing Station where the SOGO is located at!

Both of us bought a bag each! We are happy cause its so much cheaper in Taiwan!

After that we went to Taipei Main Station, underground shopping centre to walk around!

Their underground shopping centre! A lot of reviews saying that there are a lot things to shop there but both of us didn't really get anything there lol!

Went out of the station to walk around!

Tried one of their street stall! 關東煮 (Guan Dong Zhu)!

Basically it's something like yong tau foo! You choose your own sides and noodles of your choice!

Actually yong tau foo is a bad example cause the food there are much nicer haha!

Me eating away!

We had the 蔬菜大蛋饼 (Vegetables with egg?)

It's only 40TWD (1.68SGD)!

We actually had quite a lot snacks but didn't really take much photos!

We randomly discovered a shopping mall which can be linked from the Taipei Underground Shopping Centre which is the Q Square!

We bought a lot of ez link stickers for our friends and I bought myself a super nice passport cover there too! Show you all the pictures later!

When I was blogging this first day of the Taiwan trip I find that we all quite noob leh, like go so little place and didn't eat much! But if you all read the following days will be more exciting! Hahahaha!

Ben is seriously very horrible because every night he will want to go 7 Eleven to buy snacks back to our hotel to eat!

We then walked back to Zhong Shan train station and back to our hotel! It's quite cool that the distance is walkable!

This is what we bought! We bought 2 huge bottle of Yakult and also instant noodles! Their instant noodles got pork meat inside one! Omg damn nice!

Am I crazy or what cause I find even their chips are nicer! I want to go stay in Taiwan already hahahaha!

The Ez-link stickers and the passport cover that I bought!

My Porter bag! The color is like maroon red!

One more photo back in hotel using my iPhone 5!

Day 2 we will be traveling to another branch of Just Sleep hotel located at Xi Men Ding (西門町)!


Will be blogging the rest of my 11 days soon! Cannot believe I took so long to sort out just the Day 1 post!

Okay! Happy new year everyone!

I Love Taiwan! Hahahaha!

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  1. Both of you look so good! :D Looking forward to more days of Taiwan posts. :)

  2. Yeah man! Looking forward to ur other posts! Hurry post!

  3. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Love this the most!!!

  4. Cant wait to see Part 2! Please update soon!!

  5. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Damn, so many cute and cheap stuffs!

  6. Anonymous9:06 PM

    I am going Feb 13th during CNY to Just Sleep Ximending, any must visit places ?


    1. Great to hear that you're visitng Just Sleep! :)

      There are a lot places that are really nice in Taiwan! I think I will finish blogging my 12 days in Taipei soon and you can check it out :)

      A must visit is Shi da Night Market! A lot of cheap and nice stuffs! :)

  7. Anonymous9:48 PM

    how much per night at just sleep?

    1. I'm not very sure about the rates now but I think for the just sleep room that I blogged about in Day 1 is not more than 200SGD?

      Their website do state the rates for the rooms! http://justsleep.com.tw


  8. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Hi, I really love your blog! And I loved these entries even more cos I'm visiting Taiwan soon.

    A quick question, I think the passport cover you bought was insanely cute, do you by any chance remember which floor or stall did you buy it from in Q Square? Would like to try my luck when I'm over there :3 thanks a million!

    1. Thank you very much!

      I'm really sorry because I can't remember which floor I got it from! But the stall sells a lot of nice and attractive stuffs so I guess you won't miss it! :)

  9. Jenny4:20 PM

    Coolllll,,,Cant wait my trip to Taiwan next August ^^

  10. hi can i know, how much the porter bag over there? ex?

  11. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Hi, can i know how much is the porter bag over there that u brought?

  12. hi can i know, how much the porter bag over there? ex?

    1. Hi there, it is relatively cheaper than Singapore but I forgot the exact price! :)

