
Taiwan Trip (Day 3)

10:42 AM

Checked out from Just Sleep Hotel (Xi Men Ding) and went over to our 3rd hotel for the stay...

Regent Taipei! I love the hotel!

Take a look at our room!

The hotel uses key instead of card to open the door! Really vintage!

The room was really big!

Felt so welcome by everything...

By the way, we finished all the classic chinese desserts on the table because we were super hungry haha!

My favorite corner! I can sit at the couch the whole day just to use my laptop or phone cause it's super cozy!

Ben's favorite corner!

Our huge beds! :D

The view from our room! Super nice!

I love their carpeted floor too! I remembered how we would jump and dance around the room lol!

The toilet!


Ok I might be slow but this is my first time using the electronic bidet toilet seat! Can I express my love for this because of the heated seat and the bubble wash? Hahahaha!

The next time if I come back to Taipei with my family, I would so wish to stay in Regent Taipei. 

I can see a lot of families staying in this hotel because the rooms are really big. I don't know why but I just have this really nice feeling about this hotel and I want to bring my mom and dad here too! :) 

Thank you Regent Taipei for having us there!

All prepared to head out!

My polo tee from Jipaban! :) :)

Ben and me!


Took train to Jian Tan train station because we are going to Shilin Night Market!

Look at the amount of people there!

Shilin Night Market is more of food than shopping in my opinion. We tried a lot of good food that is recommended there!

Cheese Potato!

We ordered the "Integrated Cheese"!

Potato with cheese, broccoli, ham, bacon tuna, egg, pineapple & corn!

It is just 60TWD! Less than 3SGD!


More yummy food!

Ben then went to buy some fruits... and guess what...

He bought like 10SGD worth of fruits (honeydew & starfruit)?!!!

I think the auntie there just anyhow cut and give us! Was quite shocked when I heard that it was that expensive haha!

The famous "Hao Da Da Ji Pa"!

Ben with the Ji Pa!

It's very nice! Must try!

This 明太子 is quite nice too!

Went to have dessert after all the walking ;)

Bought some food back to the hotel too!

Thats all for Day 3!


Read Day 1 and Day 2 if you haven't! :)

More entries to come!

Good bye!

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  1. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Randy you looked so handsome here!! <3

  2. Anonymous6:29 PM

    The fruits there are all very expensive!

  3. jiayinq8:46 PM

    Wa nice hotel. Sweet.

