
Barely Naked - Show off your device!

12:17 PM

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Guess what arrived on my doorstep the other day!

What are these?

They are protection phone skins from Barely Naked!!!

Thank you very much http://barely-naked.com!


I'm actually someone who really dislike the hassle of beautifying my phone just because I'm a very lazy person but this time round, I decided to give it a go at these phone skins!

At first I was really afraid that it was very hard to put/paste it on etc. However, it was not as bad as I expected!

Check out the 2 phone skins I got for myself!

You can get to customised the skin yourself!! How good is that?

You can have your one and only skin that nobody has! :D

No idea what to use for your phone skin?

Check out this another phone skin that I got! This design provided at Barely Naked! They have designs there that you can use to print it as your phone skins! Really convenient and nice!

Their website acts as an online portfolio to showcase artworks from local artist and artists around Asia and the designs will be use for device skins. Do support them!


There you go! Stick it on the back of my phone! Love it!

The front!


Other than having your own customized design, the plus plus point for this is...

MY PHONE FEELS REALLY THIN AND LIGHT! You know the difference of having a casing on because you want to protect your phone from all the scratches? Now you can get to protect your phone and yet not having to hold on to a bulky phone!

Looks good on me? Hahahaha!


Lets get started!

Click on the "Create Your Own" at the top right hand corner!

Select your device!

They are catered to different phone models and even tablets!

DID YOU SEE THE PRICES? It is just $12.90 for each phone skin!!! Really worth the price for the quality of the skins man!

Start uploading your photos! You can choose to upload it from your computer or if not, your Instagram or Facebook! Convenient right?

Once you've uploaded, just adjust and scale according to fit how you want your skin to be like!

My end product! Add to cart!

Next is to just check out, fill up your details and wait for your customised phone skins to arrive! Woooo!


Showing off my device! Hahaha!

The quality of the skin is really good by the way.

My device is BARELY NAKED! ;)


So what are you waiting for?

and make your very own phone skin now!

Follow them on Instagram: http://instagram.com/barelynakedskins
Like their Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/BNskins

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