
BenRanAway Tee For Charity (Part 2)

9:42 PM

This is a super overdue post and I think I'm one to blame because I was busy with school that I didn't have time to edit the photos and video! But I still think it is a must to blog this entry because it is something really meaningful that both me and Ben did, together with the support from you guys.

So apparently last year in May, Ben came up with this idea of making a #BenRanAway tee and with the money we made, we can donate all of them to charity. We were both really excited about this and I went to design the t-shirt (actually I just used the #BenRanAway logo that appeared in all our videos)

The layout that you guys voted for :)


We were really happy as we had a collaboration with Ministry of Print! They helped us with the printing of the t-shirts and the quality of it is really good! Those who bought the t-shirts should know! :)

We went down over to Ministry of Print one day to learn how to print our t-shirts and you can take a look at the video at the end of the entry to see the process!

There is this one person that we have to thank and that person is Roy, the founder of Ministry of Print. Thank you for everything and I'm glad we worked together in this good cause! You guys can check him out, he is that handsome guy which will appear in the video below haha!


So when all the t-shirts were printed and ready, we sold it at a flea in Zouk!

We sold the t-shirts at $15 each!

#BenRanAway tee!

#BenRanAway ;)

Thank you for coming down to support us girls! :)

Us with Esther!

With Sophie!

With Jade Seah!

With our cousins!

I'm really happy that all my family members came down to support us! Even our grandparents! After the event, all of us went to Gardens by the bay and had a walk :)

Thank you :)


After all the t-shirts were successfully sold out, we went over to Singapore Children's Society and make the donation! :)

We were really happy that we donated a total of S$1,500!

With Roy!


If you are lazy to read the entry, here is a video to summarize what we did!

To be honest, I was really surprised that so many of you guys came down to support us. I'm really really happy! Thank you so much and I hope we can do this again! :)

Thank you Ministry of Print for the collaboration! Without the help, we won't be able to do this event!


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