
About Braces Dental Surgery (Part 2)

7:13 PM

Hello guys!

I have a really good news to share with you all! Do read till the end of this entry! :)

So I went back to About Braces for my Invisalign check up after 2 months! About Braces Dental Surgery is located at Novena Specialist Center, #06-01!

Waiting for my turn! Spider-man was playing on the television!

Wanted to share with you all something which I find it really nice which I didn't get to take a photo the other time! 

Check out my view when I was lying down and having my check up! If you are someone who is afraid of dental visits, you can get distracted by watching the television while doing your check ups! Awesome?

Me and Dr Vaz! Haha my orthodontist is looking good right ;)

Dr Vaz told me that everything is going well and I can also see the condition of my teeth improving! I really really can't wait to see the final outcome!

And I want to say again that I'm really fortunate to be able to do my Invisalign under Dr Vaz! He has 20 years of experience in Orthodontics and is well-versed in all the various kinds of orthodontic treatment available today. He is also one of the top Invisalign Treating Orthodontists in this country!

I got my another 4 sets of aligners to last for the next 2 months! I'm almost half way through!


A lot of you guys have been asking me how much does the Invisalign cost.. Their standard Invisalign package ranges from $6500.00 to $7300.00!

Thank you Dr Vaz and About Braces Dental Surgery!


I'll be continue posting my Invisalign journey along to way so do stay tuned!

Do visit About Braces if you are interested in Invisalign or Braces!


About Braces Dental Surgery
8 Sinaran Drive, #06-01 Novena Specialist Center
Singapore 307470

Mon-Fri: 8am - 6pm
Sat: 8am - 1.30pm

Phone: 6397 7177
Email: enquiry@aboutbraces.org

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  1. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Hi, thank you for the blogpost!

    I am interested to put on the braces by Dr Stefan too.

    May i find out the date of validity of the discount code?


    1. Hey there! Thank you for the comment :)

      You can actually call them and ask for consultation first. It will still be valid if you quote my name.

  2. Wah, I'm so happy for you :D I wanna do braces too :< I wish you a brilliant outcome xD

    1. Hello! Thank you! If you are interested, you should do it! De Vaz is really good!

  3. Thank you Randy, for sharing your precious experience with everyone. Invisaligns are truly better option than braces when it comes to rectify your champers as well as your smile. It’s also lot easier to clean them or carry them around. Not to mention the boost in confidence for not having to use visible braces…

