No life as usual
4:14 AMI'M BACK!!!!
Sorry uh, was really busy with school again. (I think I basically repeated this for every entry I posted lor!)
I'm here to update a long long entry okay! :D
Before my school started, went out with my usual secondary school friends! Except that Qihui and Hayati wasn't there...

I haven't had hair cut yet in this picture! Seriously its thick and long!!

A photo of my bro when he is going off to KL/genting with his poly mates. Actually I wanted to blog when he went that time but I was too busy lah...
and and..
I felt really lonely during that period!!!!! Its like nobody at home, because during that time mummy and papa have to go to great grandmother's funeral and after I came back home from school... ITS SO QUIET.. NOBODY TO TALK TO.. :(
Talking about my bro, look at the picture below..

He is totally not scared of lizards at all.
School reopens and my year 2 life started.. till now its been the fifth week already!
Here are all the photos!!

The first day of school because of my hair color, my classmates all called me a chao ah beng??!!!
The red color not obvious in the photo ah but I think now my hair color faded already..

Me and Guixin! :)

This was taken when I went for Nuffnang's movie screening of Star Trek and I brought Sean along! :P

Angry me because of school.

Hahahahah look at Hazel!!
Anyway we had this assignment whereby we had to do this product poster and look!!!!

Wonder Girls' So Hee! She advertising for Chanel leh! Hahahahahaa! But i find the background like too plain..



and me

Yiling gave me and guixin these stress balls! Mine is in yellow!!
Okay! Look at the time! 4.14Am. I need to wake up at 6am later for school!
Goodbye everyone!! :D
Why am i losing all my social life because of school?
I want to go out with my family and friends!!